Sweety Shetty professionally known as Anushka Shetty made her debut as an actor in the film Super (2005). In 2006 she got her first major hit as an actor with the movie Vikramarkudu which gave her stardom. There was no turning back after that and Shetty is considered as a very bankable star. She has had a good career studded with a lot of awards to her credit. Her maiden award was the Filmfare Awards South for Best Actress – Telugu for Arundhati which has since been followed by many more. The iconic films in Anushka Shettys career so far are Vikramarkudu (2005), Lakshyam (2007), Souryam (2008), Chintakayala Ravi (2008), Arundhati (2009), Vettaikaran (2009), Vedam (2010), Singam (2010), Vaanam (2011), Deiva Thirumagal (2011), Singam II (2013), Yennai Arindhaal (2015), Size Zero (2015), Si3 (2017), and Baahubali series (2015–17) to name a few. Anushka daughter of Prafulla and A.N. Vittal Shetty was born on 7 November 1981 in Mangalore, Karnataka. She pursued her bachelors degree in Computer Applications from Mount Carmel College, Bangalore. She was also a yoga instructor, trained under Bharat Thakur.
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