29000 Wishes. 1 Regret.

  • 2012

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29000 Wishes. 1 Regret. is a 2012 English-language Drama motion picture. Twenty-somethings Kevin and Jennifer had the perfect lives, and nothing was going to change that.. Or so they thought. When they met in college, they planned on being the next power couple. Both graduated at the top of the class, and went onto successful careers. They spoiled themselves with lavish trips to exotic locales, expensive meals, and other decadent treats. Then, the economy collapsed, and the couple lost their jobs. Life went downhill fast as they drained their savings, racked up debt, and finally lost their home. Flash forward one year later. Kevin and Jennifer live in the slums, surviving on their dwindling savings. The one time up and coming couple occupy their time by searching online employment ads and futilely searching for work. The couple languishes in their studio apartment, growing distant from each other. Jennifer escapes to far off virtual lands, playing online games. Kevin lives vicariously through his lecherous single pal Brian who texts his buddy with graphic details of his sexual exploits. Then.. Jennifer presents the notion of creating a secret suicide pact: They should live like the old days when they had means. The solution. Max out their credit cards and then kill themselves when they run out of credit to spend. They both agree to execute the plan. Kevin and Jennifer capture their adventures in a self-made video log as they return to a life of decadence. Now, will Kevin and Jennifer really go through with their suicide pact when the borrowed money runs out? Written by Anonymous. 29000 wishes. 1 regret. stars Justus Zimmerman in the lead role along with Casey Ruggieri, Nick Caballero and Mary Diane in supporting roles.

Release Date 2012
Run Time 1 HOUR 29 MINUTES




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