Anuvab Pal: Alive at 40

  • 2017

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Anuvab Pal: Alive at 40 is a 2017 English-language Comedy film. Alive at 40 is a stand-up special by Anuvab Pal, talking about what it is like to be in a 40 year old entertainer in 'New India', where people are pretending to be hip and failing disgracefully. Anuvab pal: alive at 40 stars Anuvab Pal in the title role. It was released on 25th January 2017. Alive at 40 is a stand-up special by Anuvab Pal, talking about what it is like to be in a 40 year old entertainer in 'New India', where people are pretending to be hip and failing disgracefully.

Release Date 25 JAN 2017
Run Time 50 MINUTES




Cast & Crew
