Honey Bee Its Tripping is a 2013 Malayalam-language Drama Comedy motion picture written and directed by Jean Paul Lal and Lal Jr and produced by Siby Thottupuram and Jobi Mandamattom under the banner of SJM Entertainments. The story of how two very close friends realize their love for each other, how they elope on her wedding day and the many struggles they face when they fight for survival. Honey bee its tripping features Asif Ali in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Archana Kavi, Assim Jamal, Baburaj Jacob and Vijay Babu. The music was composed by Deepak Dev. Cinematography was done by Alby and editing by Ratheesh Raj. The movie has a running time of 138 minutes. It was released on 15th June 2013. The Film was successful at box office. Honey Bee Its Tripping was made on a budget of ₹4 crore and it was a super hit at box office gross of ₹12 crore. Distribution rights for the film were acquired by Kalasangham Films.