Kangaroo Jack: GDay, U.S.A.! is a 2004 English-language Animation Family film written by Adam Scheinman and Andrew Scheinman. The movie is directed by Ron Myrick, Emory Myrick and Jeffrey Gatrall and produced by Emory Myrick under the banner of Warner Bros. Family Entertainment in collaboration with Warner Bros. Animation and Castle Rock Entertainment. When poachers kidnap Jackie Legs from the Australian Outback, his friends leap into action! Their attempts to save him route them back to the U.S. into the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas. Kangaroo jack: gday, u.s.a.! stars Jeff Bennett in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Josh Keaton, Keith Diamond, Phil Lamarr, Kath Soucie, Ahmed Best and Steven Miller. The screenplay is written by Adam Scheinman and Andrew Scheinman. The music was composed by Randall Crissman. Editing was done by Susan Edmunson. The motion picture has a running time of 77 minutes. It was released on 16th November 2004. Distribution rights for the movie were acquired by Warner Home Video.