Merlin and the War of the Dragons is a 2008 English-language Action Adventure motion picture written by Jon Macy and directed by Mark Atkins and produced by David Michael Latt, David Rimawi and Paul Bales. In 5th Century Britain, a young Merlin struggles for his place in his known land under the tutelage of The Mage, a local wizard whom s the young man's potential for magic, as well as face off against his evil former friend, Vendiger, whom plots with a feudal warlord king to conquer all of Britian using an army of flying dragons, and only Merlin with the alliance of the local Prince Uther and Ingraine and a pair of mystical goddesses, can have the power to stop the evil from taking over the land. Merlin and the war of the dragons features Simon Lloyd Roberts in the title role along with an ensemble cast including J Rgen Prochnow, Hefin Wyn, Simon Lloyd-roberts, Joseph Stacey, Dylan Jones and Jürgen Prochnow. Cinematography was done by Mark Atkins. The motion picture has a running time of 90 minutes. It was released on 25th November 2008. Distribution rights for the motion picture were acquired by The Asylum. In 5th Century Britain, a young Merlin struggles for his place in his known land under the tutelage of The Mage, a local wizard whom s the young man's potential for magic, as well as face off against his evil former friend, Vendiger, whom plots with a feudal warlord king to conquer all of Britian using an army of flying dragons, and only Merlin with the alliance of the local Prince Uther and Ingraine and a pair of mystical goddesses, can have the power to stop the evil from taking over the land.