Mohabbat Zindagi Hai is a 1966 Hindi-language Comedy Drama film written by Shashi Bhushan and Mushtaq Jalili. The movie is directed by Jagdish Nirula and produced by K C Gulati. Mohabbat zindagi hai stars Dharmendra in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Rajshree, Mehmood Ali, Nasir Hussain, Chand Usmani, Deven Verma and Badri Prasad. The music was composed by O. P. Nayyar along with S. H. Bihari. Cinematography was done by V. Ratra and editing by V. K. Singh. It was released on 18th April 1966. To inherit her deceased father's estate, a woman weds a convicted killer.
To inherit her deceased father's estate, a woman weds a convicted killer.