RangiTaranga is a 2015 Kannada-language Mystery Thriller film written and directed by Anup Bhandari and produced by H. K. Prakash under the banner of Shree Devi Entertainers. It featured cinematography by US-based cinematographers Lance Kaplan and William David, the former of who, had previously collaborated with Bhandari on a short film. Rangitaranga stars Nirup Bhandari in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Radhika Chetan, Avantika Shetty, Saikumar, Sai Kumar, Anantha Velu and Aravind Rao. The music was composed by B. Ajaneesh Loknath. Cinematography was done by Lance Kaplan and William David and editing by Praveen Joyappa. The motion picture has a running time of 149 minutes. It was released on 3rd July 2015. The Film was successful at box office. RangiTaranga was made on a budget of ₹3 crore and it was a super hit at box office gross of ₹36 crore. Distribution rights for the film were acquired by Jayanna Films. It featured cinematography by US-based cinematographers Lance Kaplan and William David, the former of who, had previously collaborated with Bhandari on a short film.