Sreekaram is a 2020 Telugu-language Drama Romance motion picture written and directed by Kishor B and produced by Ram Achanta and Gopichand Achanta under the banner of 14 Reels Plus Entertainment. He quits his high-salaried job and returns to his village with an aspiration to bring back the lost glory to the farmers and agriculture. Sreekaram features Priyanka Arul Mohan, Sharwanand Myneni, Satya, Rajsekhar Aningi, Sapthagiri, Priyanka Arulmohan and Nikitha Mohan. The music was composed by Mickey J. Meyer. Cinematography was done by J. Yuvaraj and editing by Marthand K. Venkatesh. The motion picture has a running time of 132 minutes. It was released on 12th March 2021. He quits his high-salaried job and returns to his village with an aspiration to bring back the lost glory to the farmers and agriculture.