Switchback is a 1997 English-language Crime Mystery movie written and directed by Jeb Stuart and produced by Gale Anne Hurd under the banner of Pacific Western Production. An FBI agent tracks his son's kidnapper to Amarillo, Texas, where two lawmen are seeking to use the case in their election bid. Switchback features Dennis Quaid, Danny Glover, Jared Leto, Ted Levine, R. Lee Ermey, Claudia Stedelin and Alexis Baca. The music was composed by Basil Poledouris. Editing was done by Conrad Buff. The movie has a running time of 118 minutes. It was released on 31st December 1997. Switchback was made on a budget of $38 million and at the box office it grossed only $6 million. Distribution rights for the motion picture were acquired by Paramount Pictures. An FBI agent tracks his son's kidnapper to Amarillo, Texas, where two lawmen are seeking to use the case in their election bid.