The Amityville Horror is a 2005 English-language Drama Horror motion picture written by Scott Kosar, Jay Anson, Sandor Stern, George Lutz and Kathy Lutz. The movie is directed by Andrew Douglas and produced by Michael Bay, Andrew Form and Brad Fuller under the banner of Dimension Films in collaboration with Platinum Dunes, Radar Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Newlyweds are terrorized by demonic forces after moving into a large house that was the site of a grisly mass murder a year before. The amityville horror features Ryan Reynolds, Melissa George, Philip Baker Hall, Jesse James, Jimmy Bennett, Chloë Grace Moretz and Alan Koeppen. The screenplay is written by Scott Kosar which is inspired from The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson. The music was composed by Steve Jablonsky. Cinematography was done by Peter Lyons Collister and editing by Roger Barton and Christian Wagner. The film has a running time of 89 minutes. It was released on 13th May 2005. The Film was successful at box office. The Amityville Horror was made on a budget of $19 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $86 million. Distribution rights for the film were acquired by MGM Distribution Co.