Urban Legend is a 1998 English-language Horror Mystery motion picture written by Silvio Horta and directed by Jamie Blanks and produced by Gina Matthews, Michael Mcdonnell and Neal H. Moritz. Its plot focuses on a series of murders on the campus of a private New England university, all of which appear to be modeled after popular urban legends. Urban legend features Jared Leto in the title role along with an ensemble cast including Alicia Witt, Rebecca Gayheart, Joshua Jackson, Loretta Devine, Tara Reid and Michael Rosenbaum. The music was composed by Christopher Young. Cinematography was done by James Chressanthis and editing by Jay Cassidy. The movie has a running time of 100 minutes. It was released on 8th April 1999. The Film was successful at box office. Urban Legend was made on a budget of $14 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $72 million. Distribution rights for the motion picture were acquired by Sony Pictures Releasing. Its plot focuses on a series of murders on the campus of a private New England university, all of which appear to be modeled after popular urban legends.