Year One is a 2009 English-language Adventure Comedy movie written by Harold Ramis, Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg. The movie is directed by Harold Ramis and produced by Harold Ramis, Judd Apatow and Clayton Townsend under the banner of The Apatow Company in collaboration with Ocean Pictures. After being banished from their tribe, two hunter-gatherers encounter Biblical characters and eventually wind up in the city of Sodom. Year one stars Jack Black, Michael Cera, Oliver Platt, David Cross, Hank Azaria, Christopher Mintz-plasse and Levi Patton. The screenplay is written by Harold Ramis, Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg. The music was composed by Theodore Shapiro. Cinematography was done by Alar Kivilo and editing by Craig Herring and Steve Welch. The movie has a running time of 100 minutes. It was released on 27th August 2009. Year One was made on a budget of $60 million and it was a hit at box office gross of $62 million. Distribution rights for the movie were acquired by Columbia Pictures.