Baskets is a 2016 English-language Comedy Drama show created by Louis C.K., Zach Galifianakis and Jonathan Krisel directed by Jonathan Krisel. Baskets was produced under the production house Pig Newton in collaboration with Inc. , Billios, 3 Arts Entertainment , Brillstein Entertainment Partners and FXP. The show originally aired on FX. Baskets features Zach Galifianakis in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Martha Kelly, Louie Anderson, Christopher Boyer, Ernest Adams, Alex Morris and Sabina Sciubba. The music was composed by Andrew Bird along with Joshua Moshier. The show has a running time of 21-25 minutes for each episode. The show has a total of 40 episodes during it's run of 4 seasons. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. Distribution rights for the show were acquired by 20th Television. Chip Baskets has a dream: become a classically trained French clown in Paris. Things don't go as well as he'd like, though, largely because of an impenetrable language barrier. With his lack of success overseas and mounting financial problems, Chip moves back home to Bakersfield, Calif., which presents other challenges for the wannabe jester. Going back home means having to confront his past, and compete with his siblings for his mother's approval. Even though he didn't make it as a clown in France, Chip is sort of living his dream -- as a rodeo clown. Written by Jwelch5742