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Fanboy & Chum Chum is a 2009 English-language Animation Action show. This show is based around two children that dress up as superhero-themed people and go around creating havoc wherever they go, but in the end of some episodes, a resolution is reached, in the other episodes, it ends with a humorous comment. The children are obsessed with a slushy that was inspired by their favorite superhero, Man Arctica. The kids also have many friends that are mentally or physically issued, and have made friends with an adult that lives with his Mom's basement. Fanboy and ChumChum (the kids) usually annoy a store owner (Larry) or a Kid Wizard (Kyle). Fanboy and ChumChum are picked on by Larry's Co-Worker (Boog) and a the school janitor. Written by MustacheSquid12203. Fanboy & chum chum stars David Hornsby in the title role along with an ensemble cast including Nika Futterman, Jeff Bennett, Dyana Liu, Wyatt Cenac, Jamie Kennedy and Josh Duhamel.
