HouseBroken is a 2021 English-language Animation Comedy series developed by Gabrielle Allan, Jennifer Crittenden and Clea DuVall. The series originally aired on Fox and premiered on May 31, 2021. A dog named Honey who runs group therapy sessions to help neighborhood animals manage the neuroses brought on by their owners and each other. Housebroken stars Lisa Kudrow, Clea Duvall, Nat Faxon, Will Forte, Tony Hale, Sharon Horgan and James Mcavoy. The music was composed by Curtis Moore along with Frank Ciampi. The show has a running time of 21 minutes for each episode. The show has a total of 22 episodes during it's run of 2 seasons. A dog named Honey who runs group therapy sessions to help neighborhood animals manage the neuroses brought on by their owners and each other.