Lassie is a 2014 English-language Animation Adventure show created by Robert Maxwell. The show was Produced by Robert Maxwell, Robert Golden, Dusty Bruce and Leon Fromkess under the banner of Lassie Television in collaboration with Robert Maxwell Associates and Jack Wrather Productions. airing on CBS and Syndication. Ranger Graham Parker and his wife, Dr. Sarah Parker keep order and care for the animals in a sprawling Grand Mountain National Park, their 10-year-old daughter Zoe, her best friend Harvey, and the loyal and heroic collie Lassie fill their days with adventure. From facing down a backcountry brush fire to reaching out to some of the characters who live in the park's countless canyons, for Lassie and Zoe each day brings new, exciting and sometimes dangerous challenges. Played against its monumental backdrop, it tells the most enduring story of all, the power and depth of the love that a young girl feels for a very special dog and how that amazing animal returns that affection. An animated update of the classic series by Eric Knight, that brought Lassie into the 21st century. Written by Anonymous. Lassie features Tommy Rettig in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Jan Clayton, George Cleveland, Jon Provost, Cloris Leachman, Jon Shepodd and June Lockhart. The music was composed by Raoul Kraushaar along with Les Baxter. The series has a running time of 26 minutes for each episode. The show has a total of 591 episodes during it's run of 19 seasons. Distribution rights for the series were acquired by Independent Television Corporation.