Worlds Oddest Animal Couples US is a 2015 English-language show created by Darren Price, Anthony Aston and Patrick Egerton. Worlds Oddest Animal Couples US was produced under the production house Cheeky Little Media in collaboration with Giggle Garage Animations and Mighty Nice. The show originally aired on Netflix and Disney Junior. Hosted by Dr. Carin Bondar, this series explores the unique and extraordinary friendships that form in unlikely places. Bondar travels the globe in search of people and animals with astonishing connections. Worlds oddest animal couples us features Reece Pockney in the title role along with Scott Langley and Alex Babic in supporting roles. The show has a running time of 19-21 min. for each episode. The show has a total of 26 episodes during it's run of 3 seasons. Distribution rights for the show were acquired by Netflix. Hosted by Dr. Carin Bondar, this series explores the unique and extraordinary friendships that form in unlikely places. Bondar travels the globe in search of people and animals with astonishing connections.