Dance of the Damned

  • 1992

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8 %
5.6 / 10
$ 0 Million

Dance of the Damned is a 1989 English-language Drama Horror motion picture written by Andy Ruben and Katt Shea. The movie is directed by Katt Shea. She then lives life on the run and meets her savior who turns out to be the ambitious prince that wants to take the throne. Dance of the damned features Starr Andreeff in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Cyril O'reilly, Debbie Nassar, Maria Ford, Athena Worthy, Tom Ruben and Chuck Rhee. The music was composed by Gary Stockdale. Cinematography was done by Phedon Papamichael. The movie has a running time of 82 min. It was released on 16th November 1992.

Release Date 16 NOV 1992
Run Time 1 HOUR 22 MINUTES



Drama , Horror , Romance , Thriller

Cast & Crew
