
  • 2011

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1 %
2.2 / 10
$ 0 Million

Lovemakers is a 2011 English-language Comedy Romance movie. LOVEMAKERS is a quirky romantic comedy full of Shakespearean mistaken identities and over the top situations. LOVEMAKERS, a financially strapped dating agency in Budapest, is retained by a questionable Russian oligarch. Their lucrative assignment is to make Jake Griffin, a young Hollywood movie star, filming in Budapest, fall in love with the Russian businessman's depressed, high-maintenance younger sister. Successful completion of the assignment by LOVEMAKERS would end the agency's financial woes, but failure could end their life. Written by Ivan Gulas. Lovemakers stars C.j. Thomason in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Cree Kelly, Attila Árpa, Ferenc Hujber, Gábor Hevér, Daryl Hannah and Billy Zane. It was released on 15th December 2011. The motion picture made a box office gross of $0 million.

Release Date 15 DEC 2011
Run Time 1 HOUR 36 MINUTES

English, Hungarian, Russian


Comedy , Romance

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