Grave Halloween

  • 2013

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4.2 / 10

Grave Halloween is a 2013 English-language Horror movie written by Ryan W. Smith and Sheldon Wilson. The movie is directed by Steven R. Monroe. Grave Halloween was produced under the production house CineTel Films. On the arrival, they meet the lonely hiker Jin, who asks them to leave the dead in peace and go away and stays with them. Grave halloween stars Kaitlyn Leeb in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Cassi Thomson, Graham Wardle, Dejan Loyola, Jeffrey Ballard, Hiro Kanagawa and Jesse Wheeler. The music was composed by Andrew Harris. Cinematography was done by Michael C. Blundell. The movie has a running time of 89 minutes. It was released on 19th October 2013. On the arrival, they meet the lonely hiker Jin, who asks them to leave the dead in peace and go away and stays with them.

Release Date 19 OCT 2013
Run Time 1 HOUR 29 MINUTES




Cast & Crew
