The Night of a Thousand Cats

  • 1972

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The Night of a Thousand Cats is a 1972 English-language Horror film. Millionaire playboy Hugo (whose lack of facial expressions give him the appearance of a Thundercat marionette) flies around Acapulco in his private helicopter to pick up sexy young women. He whisks them away to his secluded old castle, where he wines and dines them (among other things, *wink*). With the aid of his bald mute little helper Gorgo, he kills his dates, keeping their heads in a crystal cage and feeding their chopped up body parts to his 1,000-strong army of blood thirty, flesh hungry cats. Written by Brian Patrick. The night of a thousand cats features Anjanette Comer, Hugo Stiglitz, Zulma Faiad, Christa Linder, Tere Velázquez, Barbara Angely and Marcelo Villamil. It was released on 3rd August 1972.

Release Date 03 AUG 1972
Run Time 1 HOUR 33 MINUTES




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