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78 %
7.7 / 10
87 % Fresh
$ 74 Million

Hubble 3D is a 2010 American English-language Documentary motion picture featuring Leonardo Dicaprio, Scott D. Altman, Andrew J. Feustel, Michael T. Good, John M. Grunsfeld, Gregory C. Johnson and Megan Mcarthur. An IMAX 3D camera chronicles the effort of 7 astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. NASA was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Toni Myers and Graeme Ferguson. Hubble 3D is written by Toni Myers, Frank Summers and Graeme Ferguson and it is directed by Toni Myers. Warner Bros. Pictures acquired the distribution rights for the film. Hubble 3D was released on 19th March 2010 and takes a screen time of 43 minutes. The movie made a box office gross of $73 million. Cinematography was done by James Neihouse and editing by Toni Myers. The music was composed by Micky Erbe along with Maribeth Solomon.

Release Date 19 MAR 2010
Run Time 44 MINUTES




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