Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams is a 2021 English-language Animation Family movie. Barbie: big city, big dreams stars America Young in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Amber May, Greg Chun, Daniel Mk Cohen, Kirsten Day, Bernardo De Paula and Giselle Fernandez. It was released on 20th August 2021. The movie made a box office gross of $0 million. Barbie swaps the sunny shores of Malibu for the bright lights of Broadway to attend an excusive summer performing arts program and meets…Barbie! Fast friends, the two discover they share more than a name as they explore New York City and all the amazing things they have in common. As they compete for the coveted once-in-a-lifetime Spotlight Solo from Times Square, the friends discover competition isn’t all about winning, it’s about striving to be your best, overcoming doubts, and sharing the spotlight.
Where to Watch
Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams? Full movie is streaming online in HD
Is Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams playing on Netflix? - YES Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams is playing on Netflix.
Is Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams streaming on Hotstar or ErosNow or Amazon Prime or Jio Cinema or Hungama Play or BigFlix or iTunes or Google Play or YouTube or Spuul or YuppTV or Viu or Viki or ALT Balaji or Airtel Xstream or Vodafone Play or Zee 5 or HoiChoi or MxPlayer or Shemaroo or meWATCH or Starhub or Tata Sky or TubiTV or Quibitv or TVF or AppleTv+ or Docubay or ZeePlex or WatchO or Epicon or Discovery+ or Lionsgate Play or Hayu or or Manorama MAX or aaonxt or Jio TV or Bongo TV or Adda Times or Playflix or Sabot or FilmBox+ or Klikk TV or NAMMAFLIX or Planet Marathi or Koode or ReelDrama or Chaupal or Tarang Plus or OTT Play or ETV Win or VROTT or TravelXP or ShortsTv or Hallmark or Curiosity Stream or Divo or Dollywood or Social Swag or Ultra or Istream or FanCode or Stage or Animax or PTC Play or JioSaavn or YouTube Free Movies or AYYO? - NO Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams is playing only on Netflix.
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