Dragons: Dawn of the Dragon Racers is a 2014 English-language Animation Adventure film written by Cressida Cowell, Art Edler Brown, Douglas Sloan and Art Brown. The movie is directed by Elaine Bogan and John Sanford and produced by Chad Hammes under the banner of DreamWorks Animation. The short film takes place three years before the events of the sequel, in between the events of Defenders of Berk and Race to the Edge. Dragons: dawn of the dragon racers features Jay Baruchel in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including America Ferrera, Zack Pearlman, Christopher Mintz-plasse, T.j. Miller, Andr E Vermeulen and Tim Conway. The music was composed by John Paesano. Editing was done by John Laus. The motion picture has a running time of 26 minutes. It was released on 1st November 2014. Distribution rights for the movie were acquired by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. The short film takes place three years before the events of the sequel, in between the events of Defenders of Berk and Race to the Edge.