First Kid

  • 1996

35 %
23 % Rotten
$ 26 Million

First Kid is a 1996 English-language Family Comedy motion picture written by Tim Kelleher and directed by David M. Evans and produced by Roger Birnbaum under the banner of Walt Disney Pictures in collaboration with Caravan Pictures and Roger Birnbaum Productions. Luke Davenport is the thirteen-year-old son of Paul Davenport, the President of the United States, and first lady Linda Davenport. Ill tempered Agent Woods is the secret service agent in charge of Luke. Woods is fired after mistreating Luke in front of the press. Woods is then replaced by former boxer Sam Simms, who won a boxing title in 1977. Sam is eager to take the job - even though no one else wants it. Everyone thinks that Luke is just a brat when the only thing Luke wants is to just fit in and be like every other kid at his school, the Georgetown Academy. Sam almost gets fired when Luke gets decked at school by school bully Rob MacArthur. This is when Sam decides to use his boxing expertise to teach Luke how to fight. Luke has his eyes on class-mate Katie Warren, but so does Rob. Katie agrees to go with Luke to an upcoming school dance, so Sam teaches Luke how to dance. Rob is also at the dance, but this time when Rob tries to deck Luke, Luke turns the tables and decks Rob. Sam is then fired for taking Luke to the dance without permission, although Luke had the permission of his parents, but secret service chief Morton didn't want Luke leaving the White House grounds while Luke's parents were on the campaign trail. Luke runs away anyway to meet a friend that he has been chatting on the internet with. The meeting is set to take place at a local mall where Luke discovers that his secret friend is a now psychotic Woods, who blames Luke for his firing and wants revenge on Luke, but not if Sam can help it. Written by Todd Baldridge. First kid features Sinbad in the title role along with an ensemble cast including Robert Guillaume, Timothy Busfield, Brock Pierce, Blake Boyd, Art Lafleur and Lisa Eichhorn. The music was composed by Richard Gibbs. Cinematography was done by Anthony B. Richmond and editing by Harry Keramidas. The movie has a running time of 101 minutes. It was released on 30th August 1996. The Film was successful at box office. First Kid was made on a budget of $15 million and it was a hit at box office gross of $26 million. Distribution rights for the motion picture were acquired by Buena Vista Pictures.

Release Date 30 AUG 1996
Run Time 1 HOUR 41 MINUTES
Budget $ 15 MILLION



Family , Comedy

Cast & Crew
