Roohi is a 1981 Hindi-language Action Drama film written by S.l. Manhar and Fatima Saiyed. The movie is directed by S.u. Syed and produced by B.s.suri. Vijay lives a wealthy lifestyle along with his uncle in Delhi, and is a canvas painter. He has a vision of the woman he is going to marry, draws her on his canvas and takes it with him to Kandaghat, Himachal Pradesh, to visit his wealthy friend, Prakash, who welcomes him and lets him stay in his palatial home, which he shares with his girlfriend, Shalu. A few days later Vijay meets a village belle, Sajjo, who is the very image of his dream-girl. Both fall in love with each other, and he starts calling her 'Roohi'. Little does Vijay know that Sajjo has two other admirers: one is Sangha - who wants to wed Sajjo, and will kill anyone who dares to even eye Sajjo, and the second is none other than Prakash himself - who will do anything in his power to make Sajjo his. Written by rAjOo ( Roohi stars Zarina Wahab, Mazhar Khan, Asha Sachdev, Sudhir Dalvi, Asif Akbar, Mukesh Khanna and Prithvi Soni. The music was composed by Manoj - Gyan. The film has a running time of 135 min. Roohi was made on a budget of ₹75 lakh.