Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State is a 2005 English-language show developed by Mike Clattenburg. The series was Produced by Mike Clattenburg, Barrie Dunn, Michael Volpe, Jonathan Walker, Mike Smith, John Paul Tremblay and Robb Wells under the banner of Trailer Park Productions in collaboration with Topsail Entertainment , Showcase Television , Sunnyvale Productions and Swearnet Pictures. Auschwitz: inside the nazi state features John Paul Tremblay in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Robb Wells, Mike Smith, John Dunsworth, Patrick Roach, Lucy Decoutere and Sarah E. Dunsworth. The music was composed by Blain Morris. Cinematography was done by Adamm Liley, David Albiston and Mike Clattenburg. The series has a running time of approx. 23-23 32-30 47 minutes for each episode. The show has a total of 105 episodes during it's run of 12 seasons. Distribution rights for the show were acquired by DEX Distribution. An in-depth visual and verbal account of one of the most notorious episodes of World War 2. Using location shots and combining CGI, for a 3-D realism, this is a documentary, through a timeline, showing its conception, ideals, horrors and liberation of the Death Camp that is Auschwitz and its role in The Final Solution. Using reconstructions of key events by actors playing major Nazi hierarchical roles and real interviews from parties of all sides; ex-prisoners, old Schutzstaffel (SS) members and witnesses. Using archive footage conjoined with reflective, contemporary imagery it is a vivid and thorough historical telling of the atrocities of a political ideology that gave nothing but fear and death. Written by Cinema_Fan