
  • 2009

66 %

Tankboy is a 2009 English-language show. Modern TV. Birthplace of the world's craziest entertainment. And now it's produced a brand new type of thrill ker - TANKBOY. A licensed arms dealer and pyrotechnic specialist who loves playing with tanks and explosives for fun! The cameras have been rolling on his exploits and a whole new era of madness is about to hit the screen. What happens when a tank drives over a car? What happens when you build your own rocket and fill it with explosives? How about building a gun that fires logs so powerfully they'll go clean through a family sedan? Written by Charles Knight. Tankboy features Paul Blenkiron in the lead role along with an ensemble cast including Charles Knight, Jochen Fitzherbert, Nick Scott, Sarah Bailey, Jody Hooker and Iana Bikoulova.
