13 %
$ 0 Million

The Best of Men is a 2012 English-language Biography motion picture written by Lucy Gannon and directed by Tim Whitby and produced by Harriet Davison under the banner of Di Novi Pictures. Towards the end of the second world war Dr Ludwig Guttmann, a brisk refugee from Nazi Germany, arrives.. The music was composed by Aaron Zigman. Cinematography was done by Matt Gray BSC and editing by David Thrasher. The movie has a running time of 90 minutes. It was released on 16th August 2012. The Best of Men was made on a budget of $26 million and at the box office it grossed only $0 million. Distribution rights for the film were acquired by Relativity Media.

Release Date 16 AUG 2012
Run Time 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES
Budget $ 26 MILLION



Biography , Drama , History , War

Cast & Crew
