About Betul

Betul is a city and a municipality in Betul district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is the administrative center of Betul District located in southern Madhya Pradesh. It forms the southernmost part of the Bhopal Division. Betul derives its name from the small town of Betul Bazar, about 5km south of the present city which was the district's headquarters. In 1822 the District Headquarters was shifted to the present place, which was a village called Badnur at that time. The literal meaning of Betul is "without (be) cotton (tool)". It was the border of the cotton-growing area. This district contains the most developed town Amla, which is a tehsil (headquarters) too, while others are less developed. It is a town surrounded by hills on all sides and was used by the British for exportation of coal and that's why they established a railway station in the early 1910s. Presently it is serving as a connecting junction for railways i.e. it is the only access to the Chhindwara District...

Idea Betul Mobile Plans

₹ 299
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Security Deposit: 200 .
₹ 389
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₹ 395
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₹ 499
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₹ 649
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₹ 999
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₹ 1299
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₹ 1699
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₹ 1999
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Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 2999
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Security Deposit: 300.

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