About Malerkotla

Malerkotla (Punjabi: , Hindi: , Urdu: ) is a city and a municipal council in Sangrur district in the Indian state of Punjab. It was the seat of the eponymous princely state during the British Raj. The state acceded unto the union of India in 1947 and was merged with other nearby princely states to create the Patiala and East Punjab States' Union (PEPSU). When that political entity was reorganised in 1956, the territories of the erstwhile state of Malerkotla became part of Punjab. Malerkotla, a Muslim majority state, ruled by Sherwani of Arab origin(According to latest research done on DNA test by a member of Sherwani Family .They belong to Haplogroup J2). Maler Kotla state was founded in 1600. It is a historic fact that during the 1947 riots when Punjab was in flames, the State of Malerkotla did not witness a single incident of violence; through it all, it remained a lone island of peace. The origin of this rare occurrence dates back to 1705, when Sahibzada...

Idea Malerkotla Mobile Plans

₹ 200
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₹ 389
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₹ 395
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₹ 1299
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₹ 1999
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Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 2999
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Security Deposit: 300.

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