About Jodhpur

Jodhpur pronunciation (helpinfo) (Rajasthani: ; Hindi: ), is the second largest city in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is located 335 kilometres (208mi) west from the state capital, Jaipur and 200 kilometres (124mi) from the city of Ajmer. It was formerly the seat of a princely state of the same name, the capital of the kingdom known as Marwar. Jodhpur is a popular tourist destination, featuring many palaces, forts and temples, set in the stark landscape of the Thar desert. The city is known as the "Sun City" for the bright, sunny weather it enjoys all year. It is also referred to as the "Blue City" due to the blue-painted houses around the Mehrangarh Fort. The old city circles the fort and is bounded by a wall with several gates. However, the city has expanded greatly outside the wall over the past several decades. Jodhpur lies near the geographic centre of Rajasthan state, which makes it a convenient base for travel in a region much frequented by tourists....

Idea Jodhpur Mobile Plans

₹ 149
30 days
Security Deposit: 200 .
₹ 199
30 days
Security Deposit: 200 .
₹ 389
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 395
30 days
Security Deposit: 250 .
₹ 499
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 649
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1299
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1699
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 2999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.

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