About Mahoba

Mahoba (Hindi: , Urdu: ) is a city and Mahoba District of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, in the Bundelkhand region. Mahoba is known for its closeness to Khajuraho, Laundi and other historic places like Kulpahar, Charkhari, Kalinjar, Orchha, and Jhansi. The town is connected with railways and state highways. Mahoba was the capital of the Chandel Rajputs, who ruled Bundelkhand from the 10th to the 16th centuries. The Chandel king Vijaypal (10351045) built the Vijay-sagar reservoir, one of several artificial lakes in Mahoba created by the Chandela rulers. During the reign of king Paramardi (c. 1165-?), the Chauhan king Prithviraj III of Delhi and Ajmer captured Mahoba c. 1182, despite the resistance of his generals Alha & Udal. The Chandelas recaptured Mahoba a few years later, but the city was captured by the Muslim general Qutb-ud-din Aybak, later Sultan of Delhi, in 1203. The Chandela ruler Keerat Pal Singh recaptured Mahoba in the 14th century. Emperor Sher Shah Suri...

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