About Dharchula

Dharchula (Hindi: ) is a town and a nagar panchayat in Pithoragarh district in the state of Uttarakhand, India. Dharchula is a remote town surrounded by mountains. An ancient trading town for the trans-Himalayan trade routes, it is covered by high mountains and is situated on the banks of the river Kali at 915m elevation. Dharchula is about 83km from Pithoragarh and it lies on the route to the Kailash-Mansarovar pilgrimage tour. The town is called Dharchula perhaps for the reason that this small valley resembles a stove (Chula in Hindi) with various peaks (Dhar in Hindi) which complete the word Dharchula. The town is very cold during winters, like any hill station, but it does not snow in this valley. During summers it is as hot as in plains. The town has a Nepalese counterpart named Darchula, also situated on the banks of the river Kali. The split between the two towns is just virtual as the traditions, culture, and lifestyle of both the people living across the border are...

Idea Dharchula Mobile Plans

₹ 199
30 days
Security Deposit: 300 .
₹ 389
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 395
30 days
Security Deposit: 250 .
₹ 399
30 days
Security Deposit: 300 .
₹ 499
30 days
Security Deposit: 300 .
₹ 499
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 649
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1299
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1699
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 2999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.

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