About Ramnagar ( Ramnagar )

Ramnagar (Hindi: ) is a small town and municipal board in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand, India. It is located approximately 65 kilometres (40mi) from Nainital, the headquarters of the district. Ramnagar is the gateway to the Jim Corbett National Park, the oldest National park and a famous tourist destination of India. Garjiya Devi Temple and Seeta Bani Temple located nearby also attract many visitors. The ancient name of the place was Ahichhatra the capital of Northern Panchala of Mahabharata times. The town was re-established and settled by Commissioner H. Ramsay in 18561884. During the British Rule tea gardens were developed in Ramnagar and nearby villages in Uttarakhand. But these tea gardens have been closed since a long time. The nearby Jim Corbett National Park is named after the hunter turned conservationist Jim Corbett who played a key role in its establishment. It is the oldest national park in India and attracts lots of tourists from India and other countries....

Idea Ramnagar Mobile Plans

₹ 199
30 days
Security Deposit: 300 .
₹ 389
30 days
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₹ 395
30 days
Security Deposit: 250 .
₹ 399
30 days
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₹ 499
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Security Deposit: 300 .
₹ 499
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₹ 649
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₹ 999
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₹ 1299
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Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1699
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 2999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.

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