About Terkheda

Terkheda is a panchayat village[2] in Vashi taluk of Osmanabad district in India.[3] Terkheda is the only village listed in its gram panchayat,[3] but it is surrounded by twelve small villages and has an old history; Hindus, Lingayats and Muslims all live together there. The village is surrounded by many hills and is next to the Tirna River (Terna River). National Highway 211 runs just south of the main village. This village is an industrious and prosperous village. The economy is mainly based upon agriculture, but firecrackers are also manufactured there, inverter manufacturing, pipe manufacturing, fabrication manufacturing these are the main businesses. The village has several temples and a durgah (Sufi shrine). Terkheda has 6 schools named Ganesh Vidyalay, Subodh Vidyamandir, Swami Vivekanand English Medium School, Parivartan School. And has One D.ed College also. etc. All villagers celebrate Chaitri Utsav for the goddess Yedai at a temple which is situated 8 km away. Every year after Hanuman Jayanti, Yedai is worshiped for 4 days.

Vodafone Terkheda Mobile Plans

₹ 149
30 days
₹ 199
30 days
₹ 249
30 days
₹ 399
30 days
₹ 499
30 days
₹ 699
30 days
₹ 999
30 days
₹ 1299
30 days
₹ 1699
30 days
₹ 1999
30 days
₹ 2999
30 days

Vodafone Terkheda Postpaid Addons

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