About Bhatha

Bhatha is a village located in the outskirts of Surat. Pal is the most closest place to Bhatha which has recorded highest development since 2010. The village is divided into several streets and has well constructed kaccha house and pakka house.Bhatha is 3 km from Pal RTO towards Hazira. People coming from Surat Railway station can reach Bhatha via Adajan Patia or Gujarat Gas circle by rickshaw or bus. The village is on the bank of the river Tapi. The main occupation of people of Bhatha is agriculture. Almost every house in Bhatha has some land to their property. People grow different kinds of vegetables in their farms. People owns good agricultural tools and vehicles. There are other occupant residing in Bhatha includes milkman. There is large community of people who possess good dairy cattle and contribute good quality milk to Choryasi dairy. People start their day early morning around 4 AM. Milkman with their cattle milk goes to the dairy where good amount of milk is collected which is then transported to Choryasi dairies. Bhatha is also very famous for a dry snacks called "Kani [1]". This is a dry snack made out of gram flour. People from different parts of the Surat city visits Bhatha for buying "Kani" packets. Another two things Bhatha is very famous for are Indian Plum - "Bor" in Gujarati and doub Palm - "galeli" in Gujarati. During the summer season people are very busy with selling galeli harvested from Palm trees available in their farms. Galeli season starts by the end of February and continues till end of May. During this 4 months, there is a galeli fair in the morning at the village main entrance and buyers from different parts of city and district comes to Bhatha for galeli. Bhatha's fame for Indian Plum - "Bor" has given it a name as "Bor Bhatha" to distinguish it from another Bhatha in Surat which is known as "Chapra Bhatha".

VI ( Vodafone Idea ) Bhatha Mobile Plans

₹ 598
30 days
Data for primary member: 50 GB Data for other members : 30 GB. Data roll over : 200 GB. Vi Movies and TV Subscription.Amazon Prime subscription for 1 year, worth ₹ 999.Amazon Prime is a one-time benefit for the primary member, applicable only if not already availed with any other Postpaid plan (For 2 Connections).
₹ 749
30 days
Data for primary member: 60 GB Data for other members : 30 GB. Data roll over : 200 GB. Vi Movies and TV Subscription.Amazon Prime subscription for 1 year, worth ₹ 999.Amazon Prime is a one-time benefit for the primary member, applicable only if not already availed with any other Postpaid plan (For 3 Connections).
₹ 999
30 days
Data for primary member: 80 GB Data for other members : 30 GB. Data roll over : 200 GB. Vi Movies and TV Subscription.Amazon Prime subscription for 1 year, worth ₹ 999.Amazon Prime is a one-time benefit for the primary member, applicable only if not already availed with any other Postpaid plan (For 5 Connections).
₹ 1099
30 days
- special rates to 14 countries.1 year Netflix on your TV & Mobile, worth Rs.5988 per year. Vi Movies and TV Subscription. 1 year membership to Amazon Prime (Video, Music & Shopping), worth Rs.999.Amazon Prime is a one-time benefit, applicable only if not already availed with any other Postpaid plan.Access to International & Domestic airport lounges at no extra cost - 4 times per year (including 1 International).7 days International roaming pack worth ₹2999, once a year.(For 1 Connection).

VI ( Vodafone Idea ) Bhatha Prepaid Recharge Plans

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