About Darbhanga

Darbhang is a twin city and a municipal corporation and the capital city of the Darbhanga district and Darbhanga Division in the state of Bihar, India. It is one of the most important districts of North Bihar situated in the very heart of Mithilanchal. According to the latest 2011 census, the total population of the district is 3,921,971, of which about 91.30% live in rural areas. There are 511,125 people in scheduled castes, while there are only 841 people in scheduled tribes; together, they accounted for 15.53% of the total population. The total male population is 2,053,043, with the female population being 1,868,928. The population density is as high as 1,721 per km and the sex ratio is 910. 290,889 families were below the poverty line, with 1,745,334 people (66.28% of the population). The history of Darbhanga dates back to the Ramayana and Mahabharata periods; it is among the oldest cities of Bihar. According to the Vedic sources, the Videhas first migrated to the area from the...

Idea Darbhanga Mobile Plans

₹ 199
30 days
Security Deposit: 500 .
₹ 349
30 days
Security Deposit: 500 .
₹ 389
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 395
30 days
Security Deposit: 250 .
₹ 499
30 days
Security Deposit: 500 .
₹ 499
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 649
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1299
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1699
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 2999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.

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