About Latehar

Latehar is a town which is also headquarters of Latehar district of Jharkhand state, India. It is located 105km north-west of the state capital, Ranchi. Latehar is located at 2345N 8430E / 23.75N 84.50E / 23.75; 84.50. It has an average elevation of 327m (1,073ft). The economy of the people revolves round the forest, agriculture and minerals. (a) Agriculture: - A large number of people are engaged in agricultural activities. Cultivation of paddy, maize, cereals, wheat, oil seeds etc. are common. The people are either working as agricultural labourers or cultivators. Kharif and Rabbi are the main agricultural seasons. Karma festival is celebrated for good production of crops. (b) Forest: - Out of total geographical area of 4211-2508 sq. k.m., forest area covers nearly 2010.2245 sq. k.m. The tribal economy revolves around using forest products, by products and minor products. Kendu leaves, Bamboo and its manufactured products, Mahua, fruits, leaves (used is the making of...

Idea Latehar Mobile Plans

₹ 199
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₹ 349
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₹ 395
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₹ 999
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₹ 1299
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₹ 1699
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₹ 1999
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Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 2999
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Security Deposit: 300.

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