Aadmi Sadak Ka is a 1977 Hindi-language Drama Family film written by Mushtaq Jalili and Verma Malik. The movie is directed by Devendra Goel and produced by Devendra Goel. The Nath family consists of Retired Commissioner Upendra, his wife, Savitri; elder son, Madan, who is married to Maya.. Aadmi sadak ka features Shatrughan Sinha, Asit Sen, Zaheera, Sujit Kumar, Deven Verma, Vikram Makandar and Saigal. The music was composed by Ravi. Cinematography was done by Keki Mistry and editing by R. V. Shrikhande. It was released on 1st January 1977. The Nath family consists of Retired Commissioner Upendra, his wife, Savitri; elder son, Madan, who is married to Maya..
Directed by Devendra Goel, starring Shatrughan Sinha in the lead role.