Joru Ka Ghulam is a 2000 Hindi-language Comedy Drama film written by Ikram Akhtar and Tanveer Khan. The movie is directed by Shakeel Noorani and produced by Shakeel Noorani. A conman disguises himself as a groom in order to con a wealthy yet a troubled businessman, later reforms his criminal ways to win his ladylove. Joru ka ghulam stars Govinda, Twinkle Khanna, Kader Khan, Johnny Lever, Ali Asgar, Ashok Saraf and Bobby Vats. The music was composed by Aadesh Shrivastava. Cinematography was done by Dinesh Telkar. It was released on 16th June 2000. The Film was successful at box office. Joru Ka Ghulam was made on a budget of ₹5 crore and it was a hit at box office gross of ₹7 crore. A conman disguises himself as a groom in order to con a wealthy yet a troubled businessman, later reforms his criminal ways to win his ladylove.
A drama film directed by Shakeel Noorani.