Upon the Shadow

  • 2017

58 %

Upon the Shadow is a 2017 Arabic-language Documentary Drama film directed by Nada Mezni Hafaiedh. Nada Mezni Hafaiedh's Upon the Shadow follows the life of former Femen member Amina Sboui and the community of LGBTQ friends she houses in her Tunisian home. Offering unparalleled insight into life following the Arab spring, social persecution, and political struggle, from a queer perspective. Dive into the stories of Amina's strong and enchanting group of LGBTQ loves and comrades: Sandra, Ramy, Ayoub and Atef, as they bond and build queer community against a backdrop of global trauma and struggle. Written by thecastlecinema. Upon the shadow stars Amina Sboui in the title role along with Sandra Neifer, Ramy Ayari, Atef Pucci and Ayoub Moumene in supporting roles. The movie has a running time of 80 minutes.

Release Date 2017
Run Time 1 HOUR 20 MINUTES



Documentary , Drama

Cast & Crew

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