Mahabharat Season 7

  • 2013
  • 21 SEASONS

99 %

Mahabharat Bangla Chapter 7

<p> Rukmini questions Krishna whether the Pandavas are alive. Krishna hopes that they are alive. Drupad confronts Shikhandini for giving water to a rishi. He decides to kill the rishi. Yaaj and Upyaaj stop Drupad from killing him. They assure him that he will be blessed with a boy, if he accepts a girl. Yaaj and Upyaaj enlighten Drupad that the girl will change history. Meanwhile, Kunti distributes the food among her sons. The Pandavas feed each other.

Yaaj and Upyaaj assure Drupad that he will be blessed with a boy
Drupad is blessed with a son
Draupadi comes out from fire
Draupadi befriends Malini
Drupad is blessed with a son