Porus is a 2017 Hindi-language History War show developed by Siddharth Kumar Tewary. The show was Produced by Siddharth Kumar Tewary, Rahul Kumar Tewary and Gayatri Gill Tewary under the banner of One Life Studios airing on Sony Entertainment Television. Where on the streets in the markets Gold, Silver, Emeralds and precious stones were bartered in the open. Porus stars Laksh Lalwani, Rohit Purohit, Rati Pandey, Aditya Redij, Sameksha, Sunny Ghanshani and Chetan Pandit. The screenplay is written by Siddharth Kumar Tewary. The music was composed by Sangeet Haldipur along with Siddharth Haldipur, Suryaraj Kamal, Lenin Nandi and Raju Singh. Cinematography was done by Kabir Lal. The show has a total of 249 episodes. It was released on 28th November 2017. Porus was made on a budget of ₹500 crore. Distribution rights for the show were acquired by Swastik Productions. Where on the streets in the markets Gold, Silver, Emeralds and precious stones were bartered in the open.