About Jaunpur

Jaunpur (Hindi: , Urdu: ) is a city and a municipal board in Jaunpur district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Jaunpur district is located to the northwest of the district of Varanasi in the eastern part of the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. According to the 2001 census, Jaunpur district had a population of 3,911,678, with the urban area having accounting for 168,851 people. Demographically, Jaunpur resembles the rest of the Purvanchal area in which it is located: a primarily rural agricultural population with high illiteracy and low human development index. Jaunpur hitorically known as Sheeraz-e-Hind having its historical dates from 1359, when the city was founded by the Sultan of Delhi Feroz Shah Tughlaq and named in memory of his cousin, Muhammad bin Tughluq, whose given name was Jauna Khan. In 1388, Feroz Shah Tughlaq appointed Malik Sarwar, a eunuch, as the governor of the region. The Sultanate was in disarray because of factional fighting for power, and...

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