42 %
$ 5 Million

The Liberators is a 2016 English-language Documentary History motion picture. Medieval art treasures seized by the Nazis go missing at the end of World War II. Were they destroyed in the chaos of the final battles? Or were these thousand-year-old masterpieces stolen by advancing American troops? For over forty years, the mystery remained unsolved. A true detective story, The Liberators follows a dogged German art detective through the New York art world and military archives to the unlikeliest of destinations: a small town on the Texas prairie. The film raises intriguing questions as to the motivations of the art thief and the whereabouts of the items that, to this day, remain waiting to be discovered. Written by A Bryant. The liberators features Dick Deguerin, Bill Goodson, Donna Hunt and Willi Korte. The movie made a box office gross of $5 million.

Release Date 2016
Run Time 1 HOUR 1 MINUTE

English, German


Documentary , History , Mystery , War

Cast & Crew
