About Kunnamkulam

Kunnamkulam is a municipal town situated in the Thrissur District of Kerala in India, spread over an area of 6.96km. It is an old commercial town, with an ancient history , famous for its printing and book binding industry. It is the chief centre of the Orthodox Christians in the Kerala state. In the past the town was called Kunankulangara and references can be seen in lot of British Archives about a neat and prosperous town which was predominantly Christian. Over the years Kunnamkulam has become a meeting point for all religions. The word Kunnamkulam means kunnu (mountain) and kulam (ponds). The terrain condition and geomorphology of the area itself lead to the name. There are several hills there namely Aduputty,Cherukunnu, Kizhoor, Kakkad etc. while the same is interspersed with ponds namely Eeenjakulam, Iyyankulam, Madurakulam etc. Kunnamkulam town has its remote antiquity and evident from the history and it was a part of Mahodayapattanam, the capital of Chera Dynasty. It is...

Idea Kunnamkulam Mobile Plans

₹ 225
30 days
Security Deposit: 250 .
₹ 389
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 395
30 days
Security Deposit: 250 .
₹ 399
30 days
Security Deposit: 300 .
₹ 499
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 649
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1299
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1699
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 1999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 2999
30 days
Security Deposit: 300.

Idea Kunnamkulam Prepaid Recharge Plans

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