About Madurai ( Madura )

Madura is an Indonesian island off the northeastern coast of Java. The island comprises an area of approximately 4,250 km. Madura is administered as part of the East Java province. It is separated from Java by the narrow Strait of Madura. In 1624, Sultan Agung of Mataram conquered Madura and the island's government was brought under the Cakraningrats, a single princely line. The Cakrangingrat family opposed Central Javanese rule and often conquered large parts of Mataram. Following the First Javanese War of Succession between Amangkurat III and his uncle, Pangeran Puger, the Dutch gained control of the eastern half of Madura in 1705. Dutch recognition of Puger was influenced by the lord of West Madura, Cakraningrat II who is thought to have supported Puger's claims in the hope that a new war in central Java would provide the Madurese with a chance to interfere. However, while Amangkurat was arrested and exiled to Ceylon, Puger took the title of Pakubuwono I and signed a treaty with...

Idea Madurai Mobile Plans

₹ 199
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Security Deposit: 300 .
₹ 199
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₹ 300
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₹ 349
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₹ 499
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₹ 499
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₹ 649
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₹ 649
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₹ 999
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₹ 1299
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₹ 1699
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₹ 1999
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Security Deposit: 300.
₹ 2999
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Security Deposit: 300.

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