82 %
74 %
$ 373 Million

The Adventures Of Tintin is a 2018 English-language Action Adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg and produced by Kathleen Kennedy, Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg under the banner of Paramount Pictures in collaboration with Columbia Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies, Amblin Entertainment, WingNut Films, The Kennedy/Marshall Company and Hemisphere Media Capital. The adventures of tintin features Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis and Daniel Craig. The screenplay is written by Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish which is inspired from The Adventures of Tintin and The Secret of the Unicorn by Herg. The music was composed by John Williams. Editing was done by Michael Kahn. The movie has a running time of 107 minutes. It was released on 12th January 2018. The Film was successful at box office. The Adventures Of Tintin was made on a budget of $135 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $373 million. Distribution rights for the movie were acquired by Paramount Pictures.

Certificate U (INDIA)
Release Date 12 JAN 2018
Run Time 1 HOUR 42 MINUTES
Budget $ 135 MILLION



Action , Adventure , Animation , Mystery , Family

Cast & Crew
